Saturday, October 4, 2008

Signs of Intelligent Life Found

In an article titled "Cell phones bane to today's society," evidence there are at least two sane people left. Here's an eloquent comment posted on the article:

Posted by dellaroux at 12:57AM on Sunday, 10/5/08

Self-induced autism is the new national disease. Cellphones create a cotton-wool, internally focused microcosmos in which the speaker is at the performative center, speaking loudly so we'll all know he's got one. Ipods mean I can't point out the rainbow in the sky to passersby because they can't hear me. The young man this evening who sat on his heels with his feet in the seats of the subway stayed there, even when it was pointed out that it would make the seat dirty for the next user. Human consideration is elusive and growing rarer. Germany and France banned cell phone use in cars almost at once. But we have lobbyists to stand in the way of sane legislation and let them be used because of their commercial value. Your right to yell in your cell phone starts where my ear begins. And drivers of public conveyances, whose riders and passers-by are now suffering for their use, threaten more than themselves. They need to admit their limits and live within them.

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